Sunday, November 15, 2009

From: benson yeo

hey guys,

I wish to add on another testimony that came out of this trip.

I went for this mission trip with a very unprepared heart. I did little prayer over it and the origami which we were supposed to try at home for the children program, I didn't. Even the packing was a rush and I forgot my contact len case and solution. While on our way to the ferry terminal, I was not feeling all ready to go and minister to the people there. I started wondering how this trip will turn out to be like, whether I can really be of use to God over in Tg Uban and whether God would touch me.

Then came the part when we reached Ps Morhan church and becos of the change in schedule, we had time to pray. We started the prayer session wanting to commit the whole program into God's hand and pray things will be on time despite the hiccups. But God has a greater agenda for the prayer session as we started to press in more. We not only prayed for the programs, we took turns to pray for each other. We took turn to lift each other up to God and ministered to one another earnestly. God's presence was undeniably was us. At one point, I was overcome with His presence that I was choking back on my tears as I struggle to speak out thanks-giving to Him. That prayer session gave us strength needed for the rest of the mssion trip and beyond.

And in this mission trip, I also come to realize how little faith I have. I have to confess it did not dawn on me that the trip delay and the church 1st Anniversary was God's idea. To me, I see it as just a coincidence and nothing else. It was through this trip that God show me more of what He is capable of doing. That I just need to have faith alone. Fanti's pregnancy is no coincidence again, it was through her faith in Christ that she conceive.

Echoing the same setiments as the others, we have been ministered possibly more than we have ministered to the people there. Despite so, I do feel our presence in Tg Uban has encouraged Ps Morhan and the congregation there in many ways. If we are willing vessels, God will do mighty work through us over in Tg Uban. For the upcoming trip on 19 and 20th Dec, it will be good for us to join them in a celebration. Let's see how we can minister to them this time round =)

On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 11:01 PM, Candida Ho wrote:

hi guys,

i think we had a great mission trip. After this trip, I personally feel that God has touched us more than we've touched others.

We often said that God can change negative things and problems to be good. Well, we initially thought that we would be delayed due to Mike's forgetting to bring *something* (no offense), but during the time spent waiting at the church, the four of us gathered to press into the presence of God and prayed for one another on a much more personal level, and the upcoming programmes for well over an hour. We really felt the presence of God with us (and I rarely feel God's presence so strongly), touching us and refreshing us not only for the activities ahead, but for our own spiritual lives. Though each of us had busy weeks, may be dry spiritually or even apprehensive about the trip, I believe we came away from the prayer with a renewed sense of purpose.

Our trip was initially supposed to be more than a month ago, but this new date fell on the church's 1st anniversary. I had thought it was a pleasant coincidence, but after our prayer session, I came away feeling that God had placed us there at that time to share in the mini celebration of the church, and to give Pastor Morhan spiritual support and prayer on that significant day. Pastor Morhan led worship for the first part, and though there was only a guitar, he was really passionate in his worship. I mean, I had always thought that he was a soft-spoken and unassuming guy, but when leading worship, he was like all fired up. (by the way, can you believe he's the same age as us..27/28... ). I felt that we had also drawn closer to him; because the group was small, we spoke to him more, and our prayers for him were more personal.

Prayers were answered (Fanti and alice ? =) ), and more prayer requests were brought forth. There is no end to the supplications of our lives to God, whom, through these prayers for the people, reminded me that God is in control of our lives, and whom constantly seeks our communion with Him.

Generally the mission trip really gave me a shove forward in my prayer life, making me pray more than ever before because we had the time, because we were with one another on a spiritual mission, because the people around us needed it and were hungry for it, and because the situations around us (e.g. new tuition centre, Iceh's muslim friend who was confused and whom was brought to the church at the very last minute for prayer) required it. I felt that I had grown spiritually coming away from the trip.

I hope that this email has given you some encouragement =)

You are my sweetheart gentle and blue

Do you care, have you a part

In the deepest emotions of my own heart

Tender with breezes caressing and whole

Alive with music, haunting my soul

Planet Earth, gentle and blue

With all my heart, I love you

~from 'Planet Earth' (1991) by Michael Jackson

From: Alice
Sent: Wed, November 11, 2009 9:26:03 AM
Re: [combine_ya] An Update and an Upcoming Event!

HI Arthur

Great update below =) i'll be there!

Yo guys, for those that are not travelling anywhere this dec, do try to make it.. our cell have talking about finding a place where we can consistently be going back and not doing various hits and runs and God has opened up doors at Tanjong Uban. And even for activities like house visitations, we'll defnitely come across as more sincere when we go back and ask how's the situation that we prayed for the last time etc..

When we talked to them, they didnt really have a huge celebration for christmas last year.. But this year, it's only beginning of NOv and they already aer putting up christmas deco here and there. So we can try to spread some christmas cheer and show love for them this year =)

I'll also ask everyone during cell this thurs or at iguana this sat.. =)

Keep the Faith


From: Arthur Ng h

To: Cell group

Monday, 9 November 2009 10:28:51
[combine_ya] An Update and an Upcoming Event!

Hi people,

Just wish to share that it was a good mission trip last wkend. We know that the aim of a mission trip is to minister and touch others with God's Word.... but the funny thing was, I thought it was more of the other way around for me ~ Indeed the presence of God is strong in Pastor Morhan's church, and the power of God is evident. A member named Fanti, whom Candida and Sylvia prayed for during the previous trip for a child, is now bless with a baby inside her. What a powerful testimony ~ Personally, I have never seen people so hungry for prayer and for God to come into their lives. I mean, if someone ask you for your prayer request, when was the last time u actually just want a prayer of good health and protection over your family? It is this simplistic view which I realise how much they depend on God in their lives. Pastor Morhan did mention to us the positive effect of our first visit, and that is the people are more receptive to his regular visits. From this, I believe that the seeds have been planted, but the battle is not won yet. The church in Tanjung Uban needs the support it can get and I strongly encouraged all of us to help them grow spiritually.

In Matt 16:18, Jesus said "and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it". Therefore, let us play a prominent part in this Tanjung Uban church and be God's instruments for the expansion of his Kingdom. An interesting to note, our second visit coincide with the first anniversary of the church! Hallelujah! Why am I so happy? To non-Christians, it may be brush off as a mere coincidence. But me? I knew that it was pre-planned by God in His will for such a wonderful thing to happen! Especially after the first initial date when all the ferry tix were booked, plus the choices of dates to choose from afterwards. At that time, we didnt even know that the date (Nov 7 and 8) we chosen was their anniversary!

An upcoming event will be the preparation of the Xmas event on
Dec 19 and 20. And i can only say one thing about it - It's gonna be a big celebration in Pastor Morhan's church! Let us bring the joy of Xmas and the love of God to the people in Tanjung Uban. Im really looking forward to a time of fellowship and bonding over there. Hence, I will like to put together a team soon and start preparing for it. I hope to involve everyone in preparation for this, but I will also like to know who can go over to Tanjung Uban. Let me know your availabilty promptly? Appreciate it =)

~ Let us go forth and bless others, for God has always bless you ~

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