Monday, June 15, 2009

Retreat 2009 at the Palace - The Saga Continues

Yup yup... it brought back many memories of my last retreat at the same place more than 10 years ago! Boy are we getting old... and yes, i survived 4 nights with my beloved roomie! Pebbles didn't karate chop me this time (she did that back in 1999 i think)... haha... Go Pebbles!

The 4 sluggers... for some reason (prob due to age), we were always dragging out feet...

Move over guys... horses are just much more attractive... =P

Pebbles trying very hard to pose for a Nescafe shot... I had 3 coffee drinkers with me loh! And poor Grace had gastrits coz' she had too much coffee! *strokes finger* nyek nyek nyek... =)

Alice looking forlornly at Grace's 5th plate of scrambled eggs and toast...

At the exotic fruit hideout where Grace fluttered her eyelids to get a free apple... while Pebbles and Alice had to pay RM10 for their fruit juice...

Oh yeah! We beat the youths to A&W! Indeed the first shall be the last and the last shall be the first... buahahaha! And Pebbles had her first taste of FRIED CHICKEN!

Guess who's the boss? No wonder Ben calls her "dai-kor-dai"... =)

Photo taken in the coach on the way home... and nope, the 2 pretty ladies behind the prettier ladies are not praying, neither are they meditating nor pondering over what was taught at the retreat... they were... (see below) :

Well, all in all... it was a great experience =) Just to share a couple of things I've learnt : (i) The battle belongs to the Lord! Sometimes we get so caught up trying to fight our own battles, using our own strength that we forget that it's ultimately the Lord's battle that we're fighting for... the Lord will grant us victory if only we obey (2 Chron 20:15-17 - fav verse for the retreat!); (ii) Irritants of all kinds will only make you a bigger pearl (think of the long long long wait we had at the hotel lobby for a taxi); and (iii) the responses of David, Mehibosheth and Shimei - how we should respond positively... it was interesting as I've never read them in that light before.

Okie doks, that's all for now... it's way past my bedtime... haha...have a blessed week ahead! =)

~ yVoNnE

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