Monday, January 14, 2008

A New Start

Last Saturday, a few of us gathered in Grace 1 for the first cell meeting of 2008. During one of our discussion that Mike was leading, we shared what we would like to accomplish in this new year that would aid us in our Christian walk. Or quite simply, we shared our spiritual resolutions.

Some of us shared that we would like to dedicate time aside to read more into God's word, either through reading the accumulated pile of christian books or simply to spend more time reading the bible. Other sharings include to have an enriched prayer life and to read up more on church history.

We may all be excited in making resolutions at the start of a new year as it represents a fresh start. However, we must have the motivation to carry our resolutions through the whole 365 days and possibly way beyond. And when we talk about spiritual resolutions, it is all the more important. Sometimes sharing your spiritual resolution(s) helps as there exists a form of accountability which also serves to remind us of our own resolutions throughout the year.

In this new year, let us be a source of encouragement to one another.
Anything article that inspires you?
Anything experience to share?
Let's share them here in this blog.


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