Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hey all. It was a very good gathering we had at Tony Roma's. Thnks for company - esp Abel ... so good to see you again. And thnks for making all the way down, Jason.

Here are some more pictures. Enjoy.


Cell Worship Roster - Updated

Dear Christ Troopers,

here is the schedule worship leading in cell, a really important role which enables the spiritual connection between members and God before we go into the Word. I thank you guys in advance for being willing to take up this role of leading worship. I know that most of us are not musically-inclined (remember the incident of me and the tambourine..........) but it's all about approaching God with our weaknesses and strengths and giving Him whatever little we have for His glory.

16 August-Xiangbin (Done)

23 August-Alice (Done)

30 August-Mike

13 September-Jade (Done)

20 September-Jason

27 September-Kevin (Done)

11 October-Benson

18 October-Candida

25 October-Zhaoli

Our resident guitarist is Zhaoli, so if any of you would like to ask him to be an accompaniment, please feel free to ring him to ask if he would be down for cell. The list of worship leaders of course is not exhaustive, so if any of you whose names are not inside would like to bless us by leading one session, just inform me and I would gladly slot you in for your desired date!

Please mark out the date that you will be leading worship, and should you for some reason not be able to do so (but plllleeeaassse let this be a last'll be sad to see a situation where it's only the same few people leading all the time), you should do a swap on your own. I will merely be sending you an sms reminder on Wednesday.

I am thinking that it will be good if the worship leader sets aside an extended prayer session in whatever way deemed best in the midst of worship. Sometimes I think our cell lacks time and effort in prayer. We need to pray until we hit a breakthrough, and we need to pray until we find a vision for ourselves and the cell. This is but a suggestion, so don't feel toooo stressed by it.

Till then,
your friendly messenger =)

Gracie's B-day Lunch

Here's yours truly again.
Yesterday, we had a delightful carnivorous session only slightly countered by the civilized demeanour suggested by the use of cutlery (quickly disposed by me when it came to the difficult chicken).

Yes, we were at Tony Roma's, and the lunch was marked by 4 special items (or appearances) : Grace our birthday angel's birthday remembered, an encouraging crowd of 15 people (whoa! =) ), 2 newcomers and a brief but succinct cell evaluation.
The yummy Family Fest shared by Benson, Jade and me (Can that is).Notice the skinning of the chicken in motion.
Here's the beautiful perpetuator...

Heheheh, though I wasn't sitting at their side of the world, I can safely infer that Father XB was in the midst of telling a possibly cold and probably funny joke to his brood of eager audiences. Amazing that it turned out that XB and JY knows Andy and Sherleen all the way from secondary school and NUS! This is serendipity that would have made the now-defunct SDU proud...

Haha, G&K, unbeknowest to each other, were actually doing mirror images of pensively nibbling on the corn on sticks. I couldn't resist but insist upon taking a picture of this human version of a pair of feathered lovebirds and here we have an artful pose with the pierced corns.

Grace getting ready to blow out the candles on her cheesecake. This was after Mike made her pose for a hundred glam shots whilst the candles were burning! Heh..

As usual, I forgot to take many pictures, but this is forgivable considering that Mike brought his gargantuan aperture which Benson nearly walked off with after the lunch. We can now await the uploading of the pictures by Mike after he has done his customary photoshopping to remove facial blemishes (which includes grimaces instead of smiles).

Till then!

Manda's place and Wii!!!

It was a thoroughly enjoyable lazy afternoon at manda's. I didn't take many photos, being caught up with the games myself. Here is evidence, though, of manda shirking in a corner to guffaw in delight at the unfortunate gamers..hehe.

This is the amazing giraffe from Korea which would put the hardest punk rocker to shame. Man I need a video to demonstrate what I mean..

Us enjoying durians. Realize that it is always provided by Mikey. I remember this bbq we had at zhaoli's sister's condo. We weren't spared from the mouth-watering durian either. If only Trigger were there to beg us with his mask of sad eyes...(by the way, when I place a durian seed with flesh near Peb's nose, she would repel as if jolted by an electrical current. She is an ang-moh cat).

The spoils of war....

Hmmm...can't really remember what game Mike is playing here with such grouchiness. It may have been the zombie game.

Ditto with Benson. He looks exhausted...

If you would remember this delightfully nostalgic Mario racing game. We don't need much creativity these days. We just need to transpose old games to new technology and sell them at triple the price! Green Dino and Angry Kong were our chosen characters and who can forget my drunken driving, making poor cute Dino bump senselessly from one wall to another.

Any more pics from the occasion anyone?

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A park outing

This blog is still alive. Yea, decided to check back

Anyway, here are some pix we took during the Labrador Park outing that some of us were down for. It was a Grace 2 group community outing but we went ahead nonetheless. Hah. Do enjoy and if got any photos need place to post or anything, can always refer back to this blog :)

3 girls posing

Kevin receiving prize - we won for some treasure hunt thing

That's our team with some other members (where's mike?)

That's us stoning/nua-ing away for bulk of the time!

Paintball/go-kart/seafood shd be our next activity. Anybody welcome to sms me (Benson) details so I know the options available.